Course Description
Physics of plasmas, including particle, fluid, and kinetic descriptions, with applications to controlled thermonuclear fusion reactors, problems in fusion engineering, and astrophysics.
Dr. Davide Curreli,
Office Phone Number: (217) 300-1787
104 South Wright Street, Urbana IL 61801
Office Hours
Immediately after class or by appointment by email to the instructor
- Spring 2016
- Tue and Thu, 9:30 – 10:50 pm, Room 135 Mechanical Engr Bldg
- Course Explorer:
- Academic Calendar:
- Spring 2017
- Tue and Thu, 9:30 – 10:50 pm, 136 Loomis Laboratory
- Course Explorer:
- Academic Calendar:
- Spring 2018
- Tue and Thu, 9:30 – 10:50 pm, 253 Mechanical Engr Building
- Course Explorer:
- Academic Calendar:
- For engineering or physical science majors with junior standing
- 1/3, Homework (weighted over the semester)
- 1/3, Midterm
- 1/3, Final
- Lecture notes
- Francis F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Springer; 3rd Ed., 2016
- Jeffrey P. Freidberg, Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, 2007
Additional Resources
- Francis F. Chen, An Indispensable Truth. How Fusion Power Can Save the Planet. Springer, 2011
- Lyman Spitzer Jr., Physics of Fully Ionized Gases, 2nd Revised Edition, Dover Publications, 1962
- John Wesson, Tokamaks, Oxford Univ. Press, USA, 4th edition, 2011
- Mitsuru Kikuchi, Karl Lackner, and Minh Quang Tran, Fusion Physics, IAEA, Vienna 2012
- Jeffrey P. Freidberg, Plasma physics and fusion energy (2007) [online available UIUC library]
- Leslie C. Woods, Theory of Tokamak Transport, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006
- Jeffrey P. Freidberg, Ideal MHD, Cambridge University Press, 2014 (updated version of 1987 Ed.)
- Richard Fitzpatrick, Plasma Physics An Introduction, CRC Press, 2015
- Peter C. Stangeby, The Plasma Boundary of Magnetic Fusion Devices, Taylor & Francis, 2000
- Dwight Nicholson, Introduction to Plasma Theory, John Wiley & Sons, 1983
- K. Nishikawa, M. Wakatani, Plasma Physics, 3rd Edition, Springer
- Richard D. Hazeltine, Francois L. Waelbroeck, The framework of plasma physics, Perseus Book
Other Resources
- DOE 2009 Scientific Grand Challenges – Fusion Energy Sciences and The Role of Computing at the Extreme Scale (Report PDF 9.7 Mb)
- DOE 2015 Workshop on Integrated Simulations for Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences (Report PDF 23.3 Mb; USBPO page; Whitepapers)
- Whitehouse Executive Order July 29, 2015 — Creating a National Strategic Computing Initiative (link)
- DOE 2016 DOE Office of Science Exascale Requirements Reviews: Target 2020-2025 (link)
- USBPO Website (link)
Course Material (Repository)
[select: Spring 2017-NPRE 421-Plasma and Fusion Science-Section L. Instructor: Davide Curreli]
- Introduction [week 1]
- Course info, resources, exam & homework policy
- An introduction to plasma and fusion science
- Basic Plasma Concepts [week 2,3]
- Phenomenological Gas Laws
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Average kinetic energy
- Theorem of Equipartition of Energy
- Specific Heats
- Particle Distribution Function
- Entropy of a classical ensemble
- Most probable distribution of classical particles
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- Distribution of velocity vector
- Distribution of speed
- Distribution of energy
- (Math parenthesis: Table of Gaussian Integrals)
- Typical speeds
- Most probable speed
- Mean speed
- Root-mean-square speed
- A Primer to the Kinetic Theory of Plasmas
- Meaning of f(v,r,t)
- Intro to the Boltzmann Kinetic Equation
- Gas-Plasma Phase Transition
- Thermal ionization (Saha)
- Collisional-radiative balance
- Conditions of full ionization
- Debye Screening
- Plasma Parameter
- Definition of Plasma
- Plasma Frequency
- Single Particle Motion – Guiding Center Theory
- Uniform Fields
- Non-uniform B-fields
- Non-uniform E-fields
- Oscillating Fields
- Ponderomotive Force
- Consequences of drifts in toroidal systems
- Poincare Invariants
- Plasmas as Fluids
- Fluid equations
- Collisions
- Fluid drifts
- Diffusion and Resistivity
- Ionization and Deionization
- Classical Diffusion Theory
- Ambipolarity
- Diffusion in B-fields
- MHD Magnetohydrodynamics
- Single-fluid MHD model
- MHD equilibrium
- MHD in 1D: θ-pinch, z-pinch, screw-pinch
- Resistive MHD
- Kinetic Theory
- Meaning of f(v,r,t)
- Moments of the distribution
- Boltzmann Kinetic Equation
- Moments of the BKE
- Landau Damping
- Fusion Power
- Energy Levels of Light Nuclei
- Energetics of Fusion Reactions
- Fusion Cross Section
- Fusion Reaction Rate
- Fusion Power Balance
- Fusion Experiments
Homework assignments will appear on Compass 2g and an email announcement will be sent at every new upload.